LCEC United Way

Pledge Drive


Use password LCEC2023
Want more info on pledging or the overall campaign? Feel free to contact Julie Vaughn, Pledge Drive Coordinator, or Amanda Smelker, United Way 2024 Campaign Chair.

2024 Pledge Drive Flyer-Email Info.jpg

The corporate vision at LCEC is to deliver the power that energizes our communities. This vision encompasses our delivery of electricity but it also expresses our commitment to supporting our communities in philanthropic endeavors and acting as good area stewards. It is the uncommon things that employees do within the community that make a difference. Extraordinary things come through collaboration and partnerships with neighbors to move forward and protect the best interests of customers, neighbors, the environment and each other.

LCEC remains among the top contributors to the United Way of Lee, Hendry and Glades companies and also contributes to the Collier campaign. LCEC is proud of the many dedicated employees who share their time and talents to help others. If you see an event that you would like to help out on, please contact us. We are always open to help from other community volunteers

LCEC • 4980 BAYLINE DR. • N. FT. MYERS, FL 33918

An LCEC Community Partnership    •    Find out how you can help or donate.